He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Full Body Workout: March Madness Fitness Challenge

ChallengesWhitney Carlson1 Comment

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Ready for another challenge? 

It's winter so you might be inside (and sitting) more than normal but it's time to start thinking about spring weather. Let's get our hearts pumping and fat melting.

I'll be honest, I usually put together these challenges to force myself to get moving in the mornings. You can do these anytime during the day but I like to do mine as soon as I wake up because it sets me up for a great day and I won't forget about it.

This should NOT be your only workout of the day though, these challenges are meant to be paired with your regular workout (which is hopefully one of our workout plans!).

If this is too easy for you - double everything. Too hard? Do what you can!

Need help with the exercises?

  1. Squat with your hands on the ground in front of you
  2. Kick your feet back into plank position
  3. Do a push-up (if you are up for the challenge!)
  4. Quickly return to the squat position
  5. Jump as high as you can as you stand back up

Plan on participating? Let us know! Join us on Instagram (heandsheeatclean) and use the hashtag #heandsheeatclean so we can see you work!