He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

31-Day Burpee Challenge

ChallengesWhitney CarlsonComment
31-Day Burpee Fitness Challenge | He and She Eat Clean


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Yes, it's the exercise that everyone loves to hate! Meet our friend, the burpee. We will have an instructional video coming soon but for now, mentally prepare yourself for this challenge! Just kidding, it isn't that hard.

You can do these all at one time or spread them out throughout the day. Your choice!

How to do a Burpee:

  1. Squat with your hands on the ground in front of you
  2. Kick your feet back into plank position
  3. Do a push-up (if you are up for the challenge!)
  4. Quickly return to the squat position
  5. Jump as high as you can as you stand back up

With added push-up:

  • Add a push-up after going into plank position
  • Get into plank position with your arms straight out, shoulder width apart. Lower your arms until your chest is an inch or two above the floor. Push up back into starting position.

With plank jacks:

  • Add in a plank jack after going into plank position
  • Jump your feet out like you are doing a jumping jack. Lightly land on your toes and then return to starting position.

This challenge was designed to be something that you do in addition to your normal workout (which is hopefully one of our workout plans!). We have 4, 6, and 12 week workout plans for all fitness levels!

If you are advanced and this is too easy for you, you can double or triple each day. If this is too difficult, cut the reps down and work your way up. This challenge is totally customizable based on your fitness level.

Tag us on Instagram and use the hashtag #heandsheeatclean so we can follow along!

31-Day Burpee Fitness Challenge | He and She Eat Clean