He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

30-Day Ab Challenge

ChallengesWhitney Carlson2 Comments
30-Day AB Core Fitness Challenge


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This challenge was designed to be something that you do in addition to your normal workout (which is hopefully one of our workout plans!). We have 4, 6, and 12-week workout plans for all fitness levels!

If you are advanced and this is too easy for you, you can double or triple each day. If this is too difficult, cut the time and/or reps down and work your way up. This challenge is totally customizable based on your fitness level.

A strong core is essential to help prevent injuries, it's not all about having a six pack. 

How to do a plank
  • Regular Plank (as you can see in the picture above): Keep a straight line from the top of your head to your heels. Your shoulders should be in line with your elbows. Hold your abs in.
  • Mountain Climbers: Get into plank position but on your hands. Drive one of your knees up to your chest and then return back to starting position. Do the same thing on the other side. Once you get the movement down, speed up so that you are essentially "sprinting" in this position while driving your knees to your chest. Keep your upper body stable and strong.

Stay updated on all of our current fitness challenges here. Tag us on Instagram and use the hashtag #heandsheeatclean so we can follow along!

30-Day Ab Core Fitness Challenge