He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Clean Eating Breakfast Cookies

Breakfast RecipesWhitney CarlsonComment
Clean Eating Breakfast Cookies | He and She Eat Clean

This is such a simple recipe, I can't believe I didn't do this sooner. For some reason I just wanted to make something different with my oats. Don't get me wrong a warm bowl of oats is still one of my favorite things, but I just wasn't feeling it. I decided to make something similar to the pancakes I make but with oats instead of oat flour. They turned out to look like cookies, so that is what I shall call them. They are SO GOOD!

P.S. These aren't just for breakfast, you can eat them anytime!

Clean Eat Recipe: Breakfast Cookies


  • 1/2 cup quick oats
  • ~ 1 Tbsp oat flour
  • 1/2 cup water or unsweetened almond milk
  • ~ 1/4 tsp vanilla
  • 1/4 tsp stevia
  • dash of cinnamon
  • dash of sea salt


  1. Heat pan over medium high heat
  2. Mix everything together in a small bowl
  3. Spoon onto warm pan and cook 1-2 minutes on each side (depending on how you like yours, I like them still a little goo-y!)
  4. Enjoy!