He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Turkey "Tone It Up" Challenge

ChallengesWhitney CarlsonComment


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We had so much fun with the Pumpkin Push-Up Challenge we decided to do a Turkey Challenge for November! We also put these challenges out for ourselves - so we have to do them too!

We could all use a little extra activity during the month of November so I introduce to you our Turkey "Tone It Up" Challenge. I suggest doing this right when you wake up - what a great way to start your day!

This challenge was designed to be something that you do in addition to your normal workout (which is hopefully one of our workout plans!). We have 4, 6, and 12 week workout plans for all fitness levels!

If this is too easy for you - double everything. Too hard? Do what you can!

Plan on participating? Let us know! Join us on Instagram (heandsheeatclean) and use the hashtag #heandsheeatclean so we can see you work!

(click on calendar to enlarge)

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