He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Clean Eat Education :: 5 Tips to Make Morning Workouts Easier

Workout TipsWhitney Carlson9 Comments

If you are a morning person like me, you may find it easier to get your workout in during the morning hours, preferable before you start your day. If you are not perky and a pleasure to be around in the morning, but mornings work better for your schedule, here are a few tips you can use to make your transition to morning workouts easier!

5 Tips to Make Morning Workouts Easier

1. Plan your workouts for the week and know which body part and/or exercises you will be doing the night before. Let's face it - you don't need the added stress of having to think about your workout in the morning. Just get up and get it done!

2.  Pack your gym bag the night before! Don't have time to come home and shower? The night before, choose two or three outfits you would want to wear the next day (or one if you are good at that - I need options!) and have them hanging, ready to go with everything you need for the outfit. Pack all of your toiletries, makeup, towels, flip flops and undergarments in your bag the night before. Set it by the outfits, so you can make an easy choice and grab the hanging clothes and your gym bag in the morning.

3. Pack your food for the day the night before! You HAVE to eat something before you workout, so set up a water bottle and some dry oatmeal on your counter the night before. Add some hot water to the oatmeal and take it with you in the car. Grab the rest of the food you packed for the night before and you will be on your way to a good day with no excuses about food!

4. Find a support system for morning workouts! Make a friend at the gym, make a pact with one of your friends to go together or join a class where you KNOW you will be missed if you won't be there. This will help to hold you accountable and you will be less likely to flake on your workout.

5. Make morning wake up time less traumatic! Set your alarm for 15 minutes before you need to get up! This will give you a little time to toss and turn and make you feel like you can hit snooze one more time and may make you feel less "slighted" on sleep! Find a tune on your phone's alarm or your alarm clock that doesn't jolt you out of bed, but that eases you out so you aren't inclined to be cranky!

And...here's one more tip! Sleep in your workout clothes! It's easier when you just have to put on shoes, grab all of your packed bags and off you go! NO EXCUSES!

Do you have any tips for making your morning workout easier?

P.S. Here are our tips for evening workouts!