He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

She RUNS Half Marathon and Marathon Training Plans

Runners Resources, Cardio/HIIT, Weight Training, Workout PlansWhitney CarlsonComment
She RUNS Half and Full Marathon Training Plans | He and She Eat Clean | Moms RUN This Town

Runners Rejoice! We are releasing TWO new training plans: She RUNS Half Marathon Training Plan and She RUNS Marathon Training Plan.

You may be thinking...well, you already have a runner plan. Yes, our She Sweats 12-Week Run Builder is a very popular plan but it is geared more towards those not training for a particular race but instead just trying to become a stronger runner. Our new plans, the She RUNS Half Marathon Training Plan and the She RUNS Marathon Training Plan, are for those who are training for a race!

As you may know, Scott and I are not long distance runners (we are definitely long distance hikers but that's for another post...) so you might be wondering why we would be releasing plans like these. Well, we've teamed up with Pam from Moms RUN This Town again! Pam started Moms RUN This Town in 2010 and it is now a huge FREE running club for women (no, you don't have to be a mom!). She has changed countless lives and is always being asked for running plans. After completing our She Sweats 12-Week Transformation (see her transformation here) she realized the important of weight training to runners. That's where we came together (we actually worked together in high school)! Pam has ran 7 full marathons and countless half marathons. (Side Note: She always finishes with a smile on her face somehow! We are hoping these plans do that for you too!).

Now, onto the plans...

These plans aim to make you a more well rounded runner and get you thinking of building the rest of your body to support your running! We combine strength training, balance exercises, stretching, and RUNNING!

We didn't want this plan to be like the others, we put a lot of thought into what people hate about training and what people wish they did during training to create this plan! We will take you up to the full distance BEFORE the big day - but we do it in a completely unconventional way that will show you that you CAN do it while at the same time using the theory of keeping your legs in motion after you complete a long distance. The strength and balance portions can be done AT HOME with 1-2 sets of weights (more if you want them!). You will have two short runs followed by a long run each week. Plus, all of our "extras" will prepare your body for a strong finish on race day!

We have included a ton of training tips and suggestions, a half/marathon packing list, a list of things to do when/if you experience the dreaded "Taper Madness", and even some tips on what to eat before and after your training.  

If you are training for your first marathon or half, or you've done them in the past - this new training plan will hopefully be a new favorite!  You can amp it up as your fitness allows so it's really functional for all fitness levels!

She RUNS Half Marathon Training Plan ($30)

She RUNS This Marathon Training Plan ($30)