He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Upper Body Resistance Band Workout

Weight TrainingWhitney Carlson4 Comments

DISCLOSURE: This post is sponsored by Kohl's. Thank you for supporting He and She Eat Clean.

No dumbbells, no problem! Are you looking to get a great workout in at home with minimal equipment? We've shared with you a way to build your home gym for under $100 but if you want to pick one piece of equipment to get started with today, resistance bands would be a good choice! You can get a resistance band as low as $8.99 from Kohl's, although I recommended getting a complete set so that you have different levels of resistance. You can browse the resistance bands here.

We include resistance band exercises in the at-home versions of our workout plans but you can also use them at the gym if the weights and/or equipment you need is taken! We've put together this upper body focused resistance band workout for you to try at home or at the gym!

The rep and set range for this workout is a little different than most of our other plans so get ready for your arms to really feel the burn! You will perform 8 reps of each exercise for 8 sets. This is a circuit workout so you will do bicep curls followed by shoulder press and continue on, with no rest, until you get to the 30 second rest break at the end! As always, modify this workout to your fitness level. If you can only get through 3 rounds this time, make it your goal to get through 4 next time and work your way up to 8! Always warm up for at least 5 minutes before working out.

Upper Body Resistance Band Workout

8 Bicep Curls

8 Shoulder Press

8 One Arm Rows

8 Tricep Extensions

High Knees - 30 seconds

Rest - 30 seconds

- Repeat 8 Times -

Bicep Curls - Stand with the band under your foot. Grasp the resistance band at the ends. Bend your arms and bring your hands in front of your body to around shoulder height. Keep your elbows at your sides. Repeat.

Shoulder Press - Start by standing on the resistance band. Grab the end of the band and extend your arms above your head (center picture). Bring your elbows down so that your arms are in line (right picture). Extend your arms above your head again and repeat.

One Arm Rows - Stand in a staggered position and place one end of the resistance band underneath your foot. Grab the end of the band and pull it back towards your abdomen. Slowly return and repeat. Once you have completed all the reps listed on one side, switch sides.

Tricep Extensions - Place one end of the band under your foot and grab the other end with your hand. Bend your elbow so it is pointing up (left picture). Straighten your arm so that your hand is now pointing up (right picture). Slowly return to the starting position and repeat. Once you have completed all the reps listed on one side, switch sides.

High Knees - This is your cardio burst! If you can't do high knees you can do butt kicks, jumping jacks, etc. Just keep your heart rate up for 30 seconds!

Grab your bands, #MakeYourMove, and try this workout with us!

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Kohl's.