He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Do the Snow Day Shuffle At-Home HIIT!

Cardio/HIITWhitney CarlsonComment

It's not every day (or year for that fact) that it snows in Georgia but it did yesterday! What does that mean? Everything shuts down - including schools, work and OUR GYMS! Oh, the horror! If you are in the same boat as we are, try our Snow Day Shuffle At-Home HIIT routine to get your body going from staying inside watching the flurries.  Don't forget about our at-home version of the Sweats 12-Week Transformation - you'll never have an excuse to skip a workout again!

Snow Day Shuffle At-Home HIIT

Stay warm and eliminate your excuses! Just because you can't get out doesn't mean you can't work out!