He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Life is Short Make it Count #14

PersonalWhitney CarlsonComment

Since our last update we climbed Mt LeConte in Great Smoky Mountains National Park! Scott took a half day on Friday, May 26th, we drove up and started hiking around 3:30 PM. It's a gorgeous but very difficult hike (I shared more pictures on Instagram). After the 10.5 mile hike, we drove into Gatlinburg to eat at Mellow Mushroom. If we are eating pizza, it's going to be Mellow! ;-) We don't often appreciate the things we have close by and we are so lucky to have the Smokies less than three hours away. Yes, we drive 4-5 hours total to hike! Sometimes we spend the night and hike two days but often we just drive up there for a day hike.

We also just got back from Chicago. As you know, we are Cubs fans (I even wrote a post on what your fitness journey has in common with MLB players!) so we like to go to Chicago at least once a year to watch a game or two. Scott has a cousin that lives in Chicago that let us use her condo while she was out of town. We went to Wrigley on Friday and Saturday. They won both games and we got to see Kyle Schwarber hit the first grand slam of his career! Look for a post on how to save money while attending baseball games coming soon! ;-) Tickets to baseball games are not cheap anymore (especially Wrigley!) but that doesn't have to mean that you spend a lot of money either!

Wrigley Field - Chicago Cubs

We ate at a restaurant called Lyfe Kitchen on Saturday after the game. It was delicious! Most of all our other meals, actually ALL of our other meals, came from Whole Foods.

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I've started our She Sweats Extreme 4-Week Shred! As I shared in the challenge post, I finally feel like I have enough energy for workouts that are a little bit more intense. I haven't done anything that intense for almost a year. I'm loving it so far! If you want to join us, you have until June 15 to enter the challenge (but you don't have to have the challenge to get started, just do it!). Learn more about the challenge here.

Food Prep:

Visit this link for our shopping lists and this link for ways to save money grocery shopping.

Since we've been traveling lately, we've been doing super easy food preps...but that's really all we ever do. ;-) We typically grill a few pounds of chicken (Zesty Grilled Chicken), make bison burgers (Lean Mean Cheeseburgers) and make a few batches of Sweet-Sweet Potato Cubes and Scott's Green Machine. If I ever remember again, I'll try to snap a picture next time!

Until next week, have a good one! Let us know if you ever have any questions or comments! I've loved hearing from you about the updates! Click here to read all of our updates.