He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Sunday Shred :: Core Countdown Circuit

Cardio/HIITWhitney Carlson2 Comments

Today's circuit will get your core in tip-top shape while increasing your heart rate and get you burning fat faster!

The premise of the Core Countdown Circuit workout is that you complete each exercise for the given period of seconds - 60 seconds of mountain climbers, 60 seconds of plank and so on... Aim to repeat this 2 times through, but for my beginners out there, don't beat yourself up if you make it through only once. Everyone starts somewhere! For the more advanced reader, incorporate some difficult moves into the routine - for example, exchange the regular planks for opposite arm, opposite leg planks.

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As a side note: I like to incorporate this into my days that I only do HIIT or cardio training!

Hope you enjoy it!

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