He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Motivational Monday :: Strength leads to VICTORY

Whitney Carlson1 Comment

For most of us, we will never be an Olympic-level athlete. We will never win gold at a competition of the best in the world. However, there is much to learn from the athletes that we have been following at the London Summer Olympics this year. It's all about STRENGTH.

No, I'm not talking about your physical strength, although you must be physically capable of accomplishing the task you have set before you. I am speaking in regard to your will to be more than the person standing next you - more than you ever dreamed YOU could be! It's the constant HOPE and DESIRE to set aside the negative voices in your head telling you that you cannot, be FEARLESS and listen to the POSITIVE voices saying that NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE!

As I watched the track and field portion of the Olympics last night, I couldn't help but be inspired by 100m South African sprinter, Oscar Pistorius, a double amputee. Here he is - an AMAZING athlete and a POSITIVE, shining light! He didn't let his disability fault him in the slightest - he raced among the fastest men in the world and gave them a good fight. He


because he COULD! Not because that little voice in his head said he couldn't.

Today and for the rest of your days, don't be the "I CAN'T". Replace them with the "I CAN" and the "LET'S DO THIS" attitudes.
