He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

the 100 workout

Cardio/HIITWhitney CarlsonComment
the 100 workout

It has been awhile since we've released a fun, random workout. :) This one is tough but see how many you can make it through and then have your goal be to complete it all the way through as you progress. If you can do this whole circuit, start timing yourself and try to beat your over time each time you do it!

For things like the high knees (90), mountain climbers (70), and butt kicks (30) just count to the number listed (or have a timer to go off after 90 seconds, etc).

If you are in need of a workout plan that doesn't take up too much time but still gets you the results you desire, try our Busy Body 4-Week Workout Plan or pick out another workout plan of your choosing here.

the 100 workout

100 jumping jacks
90 high knees
80 star sit-ups
70 mountain climbers
60 froggers
50 squats
40 jump lunges
30 butt kicks
20 burpees
10 push-ups