Last Saturday we went tubing with some of our new neighbors. It has been a long time since I've been tubing on a river and it was a blast! It wasn't rafting where you actually have to work and pay attention, this is more like floating. We went on a two-hour trip (you choose between two and four hours) and as soon as we unloaded our tubes from the bus it started thundering. It didn't look like it was going to storm where we were though so we went ahead with the trip. You aren't out there on your own, there's a lot of others rafting too. It thundered a few more times and then started raining. I would say for about 45 minutes of the trip it was either thundering or raining. It was pretty funny though and made the trip even more interesting. The sun started shining again as soon as we were done rafting (of course!).
Last summer we did go white water rafting (for the first time) with my dad (who is in his 60s!), my sister, and her friend. You actually have to pay attention and work when white water rafting and it can be pretty scary! We hit a HUGE rock going really fast, we all ended up on the floor of the float but it was awesome! Just for fun, below is a picture of our real white water rafting last summer. We went to the Upper Ocoee and used Sunburst Adventures in Benton, TN. They usually have Groupons for rafting! :)
My sister (L) and her friend are in the front row, me and my dad are in the second row, and Scott and the guide are in the back.
On Sunday we just took an easy day, my parents stopped by, we did food prep, and I worked. We are excited to finally be getting back into a routine after a crazy year.
Be sure to follow us on the following social media accounts (and snapchat under hesheeatclean) and also sign up for our newsletter so you never miss anything!
As I mentioned on Instagram and Facebook, we started the She Sweats 12-Week Run Builder this week (yes, men can do the "She Sweats" workouts!). We started on week 5 since our hiking trip is in 7 weeks. We wanted to do the Run Builder this time since it still emphasizes weight training but also ups our cardio, which we need that before our trip! I was doing the She Sweats Extreme 4-Week Shred but wanted something with more weight training since I don't weight train that much at all during the month of September...I need to get it in now! For some reason, if it's written down and laid out for me, I'll do it! So far, so good!
She Sweats 12-Week Run Builder
Grocery Shopping/Food Prep:
Visit this link for our shopping lists and this link for ways to save money grocery shopping.
It was another week of grilling! It actually started pouring while Scott was grilling, good thing we have a covered patio in this house! :)
- lean mean cheeseburgers (with bison)
- zesty grilled chicken
- brussels sprouts (new recipe!)
- green juice
- grilled Aidells chicken & apple sausage from Costco
DISCLAIMER: NOW Foods sends us a free box of products each month to try out. I figured these weekly (or sometimes monthly...) updates would be the best place for us to share some of our favorites! All opinions are my own.
One of my favorite things in this months box from NOW Foods is the Organic Yerba Mate tea. It's a nice, natural, and healthy (and yummy!) boost of energy. I love drinking teas because it helps me get more water in without just being plain 'ol water! If you've never tried Yerba Mate before, you are missing out!
Until next week, have a good one! Let us know if you ever have any questions or comments! I've loved hearing from you about the updates! Click here to read all of our updates.