He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Driveway Workout Circuit: At-Home Workout Routine

Cardio/HIITWhitney CarlsonComment

DISCLOSURE: This post is sponsored by Champion. Thank you for supporting He and She Eat Clean.

Looking to stay (or get) in shape this winter? You've come to the right place! Although we normally workout in the gym, most days I go outside just to get in some fresh air and a little movement (since I work from home).

I made up this quick workout you can do in your very own driveway! If this is just a little break for you - do the circuit once. If it's your complete workout do it as many times as you can with correct form! As always, adjust to your fitness level.

Driveway Workout
No Equipment Needed

Warm Up: 1 Minute Jog

10 Squats

10 Push-Ups

10 Walking Lunges (per leg)

30 Second Sprint

10 Squats with Pulse

10 Push-Ups

10 Lunges with Rear Leg Extension (per leg)

If you have a little more in you, feel free to add 10 Burpees at the end!

Repeat 2-3 Times

Squats - Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart (or you can do narrow squats with your legs closer together). Keep your chest up and forward and your knees directly over your toes. Lower your bottom like you are sitting down in a chair. Return to starting position and repeat.

Squats with Pulse - Use the same form as described under squats. Once you are low in your squat position, raise slightly (a few inches) then lower again to full squat. You can do many short pulses or just one, depending on your fitness level. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Push-Ups - Start in plank position. With your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor. Push back up to the starting position and repeat for listed number of repetitions. Not ready for a full push-up yet? You can also do these with your knees on the ground.

Walking Lunges - Step forward with one leg keeping your upper body straight and shoulders back. Lower your hips until your leg is bent at about a 90 degree angle. Repeat on each leg, lunging up and down your driveway, for number of repetitions listed.

Walking Lunges with Rear Leg Extension - Use the same form as described under walking lunges but when you stand back up, lift your rear leg straight out behind you squeezing your glutes.

With cooler weather approaching, many people limit themselves to indoor workouts. That doesn't have to happen! Make sure that you are properly dressed and get outside. We go hiking all year long and many of my layers are Champion. I stay warm and I'm still able to enjoy the beautiful outdoors!

The clothes that I wore for this workout were AMAZING! I am in love with this warm fleece top and love how the capris fit!

Champion Women's Tech Fleece Open Bottom Top in Ceramic Grey

Champion Shape® Women's Capris

If you are trying to figure out what to gift your athletic friend or still trying to come up with things to add to your list, Champion athletic clothing is always a great choice!

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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Champion. The opinions and text are all mine.