He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Stay Healthy on Vacation - Beach Trip Ready!

Whitney CarlsonComment

Most schools in Georgia head back to school soon (if they haven't started already!) so a lot of people are taking advantage of these last few summer days and are going to the beach! If you haven't had your beach vacation yet (regardless of school!) use this round-up to have a successful trip! This will give you workouts, playlists and snack ideas!


Beach Workout Playlist

Beach Body Boot Camp Workout

(includes a video!)

P.S. These "Sour Patch" Grapes are perfect for the beach!

Looking to get back into a routine after your trip? Let us be your personal trainers with our detailed 4, 6 and 12 week She Sweats Workout plans! We guide your workout each day, telling you exactly what to do and what intensity to work at. We have everything you need! Find out more!