He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Two Week Cardio Challenge + GIVEAWAY!

ChallengesWhitney Carlson55 Comments

All too often we hear from people that are either doing way too much cardio or people who get burned out from cardio in general. While we don’t ever want to discourage someone from doing what makes them happy, it’s important to find balance in your training. As we’ve mentioned before, we always recommend a mix of strength training, cardio, and flexibility training. Finding something that you love to cover all three of these is very important so that you don’t dread your workouts!

We were talking about all of this while we were hiking in California and an idea came to us (hiking is when we get most of our ideas!) to create a two week cardio challenge. Our FREE Two Week Healthy Living Challenge has been very popular so we decided to have this one be a two week challenge to go along with the Healthy Living Challenge!

Speaking of hiking, below is a picture of one of the hikes we did in Morro Bay, California. It was a beautiful trail! You can find the outfit Whitney is wearing at Kohl’s here.

And how cool is this shirt? It was perfect for me since I obviously love to hike! You can find it on Kohl’s website here.

The goal with this challenge, which goes along with Kohl’s #MakeYourMove Campaign, is to have a fun motivating challenge so hopefully you can discover what energizes you and brings you the most joy and incorporate that into your daily routine!

We didn’t just want to create any challenge though we wanted one that would incorporate running AND incline training to keep you from getting bored and to keep your body guessing. This challenge gets harder as time goes on but it should be adjusted to your current fitness level. For example, if you can’t handle the 8% incline with a speed of 2.8 try a 6% incline with a speed of 2.6. Tack this cardio challenge onto the end of one of your strength training sessions (may we suggest of the 4, 6, or 12 week workout plans that we have?!). This can certainly be done longer than two weeks but just make sure that you always incorporate the ever important rest days.

It gets even better though…how about NEW SHOES for this cardio challenge?! Who isn’t motivated by new workout gear? All you have to do is leave a comment below and let us know how you plan to #MakeYourMove for your chance to win a pair of New Balance shoes (for some ideas see this post)! We also suggest that you follow us and Kohl’s on social media so you don’t miss a post!

 **Open to US citizens only - 18 or older. Open to men and women. Winner will be selected using random.org. Leave your comment by 11:59 EST on May 6, 2015 in order to be eligible.

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Kohl's.