He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Clean Eating Food Prep - Daily Example

Food PrepWhitney CarlsonComment

Since many people tend to struggle with food prep we like to share our food prep pictures on our social media accounts (find us on InstagramFacebook, and follow us on Pinterest). In case you have missed them, here are a few of our recent food prep pictures! Food prep is one thing that always keeps us on track since we lead such busy lives. Almost all of the recipes on our website are great for food prep and taste awesome as leftovers. We both eat breakfast and dinner at home but our three meals throughout the day are always prepared ahead of time!

The picture above is of Scott's meals for work (not including his carbs like brown rice and sweet potatoes or his veggies). Pictured is Grass-Fed Beef browned with onions, Taco Soup, and Chicken Salad!

Above is a picture of my meals for a day when I was going to be gone all day. I had Chocolate Chunk Homemade Protein BarsMonster Meatloaf, and Pan-Seared Mahi Mahi with Brown Rice and Mixed Veggies.

Join our FREE Healthy Living Challenge for more inspiration! We also have a lot of new food prep friendly recipes coming soon so make sure you subscribe to our email updates so that you don't miss any!

We hope that these inspire you!

- Whitney

P.S. Still need a little more help? We have a Food Prep eBook!