He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

She Sweats Summer Challenge WINNER #2

Whitney Carlson2 Comments

As we shared yesterday, we had 2 winners of our She Sweats Summer Challenge. We left it up to the two finalists to decide if they wanted to have a Facebook voting contest or split the jackpot and they both decided on splitting the jackpot so that is what we did! They have both been an amazing inspiration in the Facebook support group and very helpful in answering questions and providing motivation to the "new people" that are always joining!


Billie completed the gym version of the She Sweats 12-Week Transformation and the 4-Week Shred. Can we just point out really quick her AMAZING shoulders and triceps!?!?

This is what Billie had to say:

"I am a mom of 3 young kids and I work full time so needless to say I'm tired... A LOT...and after my youngest who is now 2 was born I really struggled with losing the weight and really just lacked the desire to be healthy (my Pinterest board was labeled someday when I feel like exercising). I slowly began following clean eating and found He and She Eat Clean and began to really get intrigued! I bought the workout with A LOT of hesitation as I've never done a lot of weights and the thought of eating fats and not doing cardio seemed so opposite of everything I've ever learned! The first few weeks were really tough as I got bigger instead of smaller but then I started to feel stronger and noticed my clothes fitting differently. I stopped weighing myself and began focusing on how I FELT. I became completely hooked! I'm stronger than I've ever been and haven't looked like this since I was 20! This had been hands down the BEST workout I have ever done."

Congratulations Billie and Pam on a job well done! Keep up the great work and keep inspiring!

You can find more information about the workout plans here.