He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

She Sweats New Year Challenge Winner

Whitney CarlsonComment

This is always so difficult for us because we always have such great entries into our challenges! However, we had to make a decision and the winner of our latest She Sweats 12-Week Transformation Challenge is...

Erica Tucker!

Congratulations Erica!  This is what she had to say: "I am so proud of myself for completing this challenge and I can't wait to start the summer challenge.  I have lost 27 pounds and 31 inches during this challenge!  I also feel pretty bada** when I workout at the gym lol.  Regardless of if I win or not, the results I got from this program were the bomb and now on to the 4 week shred...I have absolutely loved this workout program.  It has completely changed my body composition.  I have been losing weight since last March, losing 160 pounds total so far.  This workout, however, has done so much more for me than just cardio alone ever could.  I am so much stronger, my endurance has increased, and I have developed a true passion for working out.  I would recommend this program to anyone who wants to get in shape and feel amazing!"

We love her attitude and her before and after pictures are amazing!

Below are a few of our newest testimonials:

"Thank you to He And She Eat Clean! I'm in week 12, I've lost over 10 inches, and 18 pounds! You're changing my life, and I can't thank you enough. Looking forward to the four week extreme shred! Bring it on!"

"I just started on Monday and I'm so excited about this! I'm loving it so far. Today was legs and wow - killer! Thanks ladies, for putting this together. This program was exactly what I was looking for and I can't wait to see the results."

"Slowly but surely putting on some muscle! Not much there but I'm starting to see a little hump on the biceps! Hooray! I also have some abs going on too! Just finished week 4 and this is the fastest I've ever seen progress with a workout program! I have had 3 babies, all c sections, back to back to back so I'm thrilled my tummy is doing so well!"

Thank you to everyone who submitted their photos - we are so proud of all of your hard work!

You can find more information on our workout plans, read testimonials, and FAQs here.