He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

25 Minute High Energy Elliptical HIIT Routine

Cardio/HIITWhitney CarlsonComment


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We introduced four new HIIT routines in our She Sweats Transformation Workouts, but we thought that you could use another one! Since running on the treadmill may not be your thing, we created another elliptical workout for you! Use this on days when you feel like you may not need your body pounding on the pavement (or the belt of the treadmill) or days when you just want to switch things up!

25 Minute High Energy Elliptical HIIT Routine

Let us be your personal trainers with our detailed 4, 6 and 12 week She Sweats Workout plans! We guide your workout each day, telling you exactly what to do and what intensity to work at. We have everything you need! Find out more!