He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Clean Eating Breakfast Ideas for Back to School

EducationWhitney CarlsonComment

Yesterday we shared our clean lunch and snack ideas for back to school.  Today we are going to back up and share breakfast ideas!  Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  The same is true for your kids!  Don't let them start the day off with processed, sugary treats.  We will share with you some of our favorite options for breakfast!

Most breakfast cereals are loaded with sugar.  Say no to the bagels, donuts, and cereals and try these breakfast ideas instead!

Short on time?  Here are two recipes that only require FOUR ingredients!  They are super easy and quick to make!

Is your child the type that wants a sandwich for breakfast?  Try this Egg White Breakfast Sandwich!  Or make these Egg Quiche Muffins ahead of time so you can grab-and-go!

For the days when you have a little bit more time or just want to give them a special treat for breakfast, take a look at these:

We always keep protein bars and protein powder "in stock" just in case we are having "one of those days". It sure beats driving through a drive-thru.

Don't forget to check out our post for clean lunch and snack ideas here.  Check out our breakfast recipe page for even more breakfast ideas!