He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Sunday Shred :: Shape Up September Outdoor Circuit

Cardio/HIITWhitney CarlsonComment

Let's celebrate the beginning of Fall with a little circuit workout that will get your heart rate going and get you outside enjoying the beautiful cooler temps (and the lack of humidity in GA!). Grab a towel, some water and head to a nearby park (with stairs, a park bench and a hill).

The Shape Up September Outdoor Toning Circuit Workout

Warm Up -

3 minute light jog

30 seconds mountain climbers

30 seconds jumping jacks

Repeat 1x.

Workout - 

Hill Sprints - 5x

60 seconds high knees

30 Tricep Dips on Park Bench

40 Park Bench Step Ups, alternating lead leg - 20x each leg

60 seconds burpees

20 incline pushups on Park Bench

40 sets Park Bench Taps, alternating legs, fast pace (tap toe on bench reaching leg up each time)

2 minutes continuous stair climb, fast pace

Repeat Circuit 2-4x depending on fitness level and available time.

Cool Down - 

4 minute light walk/jog (include hill)

1 minute walk

Stretches (personal choice)


Enjoy! Don't forget... The She's of H&S will be brining you their workout routines over the next few weeks. Check out the facebook page and let us know which body part you want us to focus on first!