He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Short but Sweet Sweat Session

Cardio/HIITWhitney CarlsonComment
Short but Sweet Sweat Session | He and She Eat Clean


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As many of you know, I LOVE to add cardio bursts into my training. It serves as a great way to get my heart rate up while lifting. Plus it makes my workouts more interesting. You can do this Short but Sweet Cardio Session as a stand alone workout if you are short on time or you can add into your workouts. If you are using it in your workouts don't repeat it four times. Try this: lift and then do butt kicks and go back into your lift. Or you can do your lift and then do this cardio workout straight through so it would be lift, butt kicks, air squats, mountain climbers, plank, back into the lift. You could also use it as a "finisher" at the end of your lifting session! It's your workout, you choose! 

RELATED: 6 Simple Ways to Add Cardio Bursts During Strength Training

Short but Sweet Sweat Session

30 seconds work | 10 seconds rest

Butt Kicks
Air Squats
Mountain Climbers

Repeat 4 times