He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Meet Your Goals & Unclutter Your Life

Whitney CarlsonComment

I know I've shared on here before that we consider ourselves minimalists but I haven't really explained what it means. Minimalism looks different for each person (as does fitness and healthy eating, notice a common theme?!) but for us it means that we don't like to have a lot of clutter around, we try not to buy things we don't need, and the things we do own we try to re-use for many different purposes.

I've been sharing some of our minimalism/money saving tips on the website and on snapchat (hesheeatclean) with much more planned soon! Over the last few years, I've sold a lot of the stuff in our house that was just taking up space but not really serving any purpose. It's amazing what getting rid of clutter can do for your soul! It makes you feel free and instead of investing time in keeping up with all of your "stuff" you can do the things you love!

Paper clutter is one of the main things that I detest. It's hard to get on top of it and even harder to keep it organized throughout the week. Things from receipts, junk mail, statements, newspapers, magazines, etc take up so much space. I went as far as to cancel all of our magazine subscriptions because I noticed that they would just go unread for months and I hate paper clutter as much, if not more, than other clutter. When Texture reached out to us I was really excited because I had actually heard about it on a podcast (I'm obsessed with Podcasts, which is why we started our own WHAM Podcast!) and was intrigued with the idea of getting the magazines we loved on ONE app. Once I signed up and played around with it, I realized it was so much more! One of the best benefits I've noticed since downloading the app is that I spend more time reading meaningful magazines than I do wasting time and falling into the seemingly never-ending social media trap. Just choose your magazines wisely. :-) As you can tell in the picture below, when we go to the pool I use that time to read the magazines and stories on Texture. It's one of my must-haves along with food, goggles, sunglasses, and water!

Okay, now onto the good stuff. I'll tell you about a few of my favorite features!

You can use the search feature to quickly find what you are looking for instead of flipping through magazine pages. Just click on the magnifying glass that's always in the upper right-hand corner and type in what you are looking for! We have some wild caught shrimp to use so I searched for shrimp and it brought me to recipes that I could browse through.


The Citrus Shrimp with Black Rice from the Winter 2015 issue of Diabetic Living really caught my eye. Did you catch that?! It's from the Winter 2015 issue. Diabetic Living is a magazine that I would have never thought to look at for recipes and definitely wouldn't' have been able to easily access past issues!

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Another one of my favorite parts of Texture is the New & Noteworthy and Top 10 Reads sections. These are easy to quickly skim to see what stories you may want to read. It also has the approximate time it will take you to read the story listed!

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With titles like EatingWell, Allrecipes, Clean Eating, Self, Health, and Cooking Light (just to name a few), Texture makes it easy to stay on track with your healthy eating goals! You'll never run out of recipes or inspiration. Plus, you'll have access to other magazines that may be of interest to you. There are over 175 magazines that you have access to for one price!

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As you can see here, I'm still working on my digital cutter {inbox total}. It's really not that bad but for some reason when I delete things from my inboxes on my computer it doesn't remove the number from my phone. And, about the phone calls, let's be honest...I don't answer phone calls.

If you love to read magazines you will love having them all at your fingertips with Texture!

Visit Texture's website to learn more!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Texture. The opinions and text are all mine.