Well, these are quickly turning into monthly updates but I'm okay with that because I'm all about not stressing myself out over the small things. :)
I'll try to pick up here I left off in this one...For the July 4th holiday, we just stayed at home. We were going to go to the mountains/lake but the weather wasn't so great so we stayed put. On Saturday Scott's mom, sister, brother in law, niece, and nephew came over for a big fireworks show in our neighborhood. The rain delayed the show a little bit but we still had a great time! Some of Scott's co-workers also came over so we had a full house. Sunday through Tuesday we just got some stuff done around the house and went to the pool for a few hours. We met a lot of people on our street so I'm glad we decided to stay home.
They had food trucks for the fireworks show and we actually ended up eating twice because we were there so long and we were still hungry! I ordered the chicken fajita tacos and Scott ordered BBQ. A few hours later we split an order of BBQ nachos (not pictured but delicious!). We also tried out this canned wine we found at Trader Joes a few weeks ago and it was actaully really good!
We had friends over on Sunday and grilled out. We made the usual: lean mean cheeseburgers (with bison), zesty grilled chicken, sweet-sweet potato cubes, and brussels sprouts (recipe coming soon!).
We have only been hiking once since our last update (on June 30). It's just toooooo hot down here now. We did Blood Mountain again. We had actually planned to go to the Smokies but we didn't wake up in time. We default to Blood Mountain because it's only an hour from our house and it's the highest peak on the Georgia section of the Appalachian Trail. Fun fact: my dad, who is in his 60s and has had triple bypass heart surgery, hiked over 1,200 miles of the Appalachian Trail!
Hiking Blood Mountain on the Appalachian Trail in Georgia
About a week ago the camera on my phone just quit working. I didn't drop it, get water in it or anything but every time I tried to take a picture it was very blurry and shaky. It worked on selfie mode but I actually hate selfies so I never use that anyway! I was finally able to get it fixed last week. I lost everything on my phone (most of the pictures I was able to save). I'm not the kind of person who freaks out about my phone so it honestly didn't bother me that much. Many of the pictures I was able to save were from our hiking trip last fall and I JUST posted the recap of the first part of our trip...I am just a little late! Here is the link to read more about our hiking adventures in Kootenay and Banff National Parks. I also messed up our He and She Eat Clean email somehow so if you've emailed us and you are waiting on a response, I'm sorry! I combined H&S email with my personal email and it's just a HUGE mess right now!
Last weekend we were in Florida for a family reunion for Scott's family. We arrived late Thursday night because we left after Scott got off work and we were only there through Sunday. We had an awesome weekend between the resort, beach, pools, the guys playing golf, and just hanging out with family. Full disclosure that Marriott Sawgrass put Scott and me up for free. This was the same resort that we went to last year with his family.
I will do a full trip recap/review soon but below is a picture that I posted a few days ago on Instagram and Facebook, with the same caption I used.
At first I didn't want to post this but it's the only picture we took together. We just got back (at 4 am this morning to be exact) from a very short 2-day trip to the beach for a family reunion. - We didn't do any "extra" workouts just because we were going to the beach. - We didn't live in a box for 4 weeks before and only eat fish & veggies - We didn't spend every moment before going worrying about getting a "beach body"
Have we been leaner? Yes. Could we have "leaned out" for this trip if we wanted? Yes. Could we have "forgotten" our swimsuits so we could avoid the beach altogether? Yes.
But what exactly does that add to our lives? A few pics with abs popping on the beach?! It's not worth it to us. We have a healthy balance of working out & eating a healthy diet. We also skip workouts and eat pizza & ice cream occasionally.
I love the beach because there are so many different body types there. You might be self-conscious but honestly, no one is really paying attention & if they do have a problem with you, it's really a problem they have internally. Don't be the person who wears pants & long sleeves for fear of their body (I know there are some medical reasons one might have to do this). Definitely don't be the one who skips trips completely because you aren't comfortable with your body.
Your life is RIGHT NOW - not next month, year, or next "swimsuit season" when you have the "perfect body". From experience I can say that it doesn't matter how little the number is on your clothing or how small the number is on the scale, you will STILL pick yourself apart. Be free & start living today.
Be sure to follow us on the following social media accounts (and snapchat under hesheeatclean) and also sign up for our newsletter so you never miss anything!
Until next week, have a good one! Let us know if you ever have any questions or comments! I've loved hearing from you about the updates! Click here to read all of our updates.