He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Eat Clean Weekly Food Prep

Food PrepWhitney CarlsonComment
Eat Clean Weekly Food Prep | He and She Eat Clean

Welcome to another example of our weekly food prep! We now have our food for the week covered from protein to carbs - only after a few hours of "work"! Food prep is one of the main reasons we've been able to maintain a healthy lifestyle for over 5 years (read our post on 5 Things We've Done to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle for over 5 Years)! Below is what we prepared:

Eat Clean Weekly Food Prep

We hope this inspires you to start your food prep. Keep in mind that small changes do add up and your food prep doesn't have to be extravagant. You can learn more about food prep on this page and also read about our eBook here.