He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Eat Clean Weekend Food Prep

Food PrepWhitney CarlsonComment
Eat Clean Weekend Food Prep | He and She Eat Clean

We have posted many other food prep examples but we are always asked what we eat over the weekend. It's actually quite simple - we eat the same things we do during the week! We normally do a food prep on Sunday and another smaller one on Wednesday or Thursday. Many weekends we are off hiking but if we are at home we do try to continue the same schedule.

RELATED: Tips to Stay on Track Over the Weekend

I wanted to share a picture of what our food prep looked like for over the weekend. The picture above is what I prepared on Thursday since I knew we would be at home over the weekend. Our prep is smaller than normal since we cook a few meals at home that we eat right away (not prepped meals) and we normally eat out once a week which is usually on the weekends (Chipotle is one of our favorites!).

RELATED: 5 Chipotle Hacks

Below are the recipes for the items shown above.

You can find food prep examples here and also read our food prep eBook!