He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Make Your Morning Routine Stress Free!

Whitney CarlsonComment

If you are like us, you are NOT a morning person. It’s hard to get out of bed when the alarm goes off and instantly be ready to tackle the day. Most people seem to just drag in the mornings and still feel tired even after getting plenty of sleep! Unlike many want to believe, the answer is NOT more caffeine – it’s actually getting quality sleep!

Quality rest/sleep is an important factor to living a healthy lifestyle. Usually once stress is reduced quality sleep follows. For awhile now we’ve been trying different things in order to make our morning routine easier and we wanted to share those with you. Remember, the #MakeYourMove campaign isn’t just about moving, it’s about an entire overall healthy lifestyle!

Some of these might be obvious but try to incorporate everything listed and watch your mornings become much less stressful!

Things to do at night to make your morning routine easier:
  • Pick out your clothes for the next day, including your shoes and any accessories
  • Pack your food for the day (portion your food from food prep into containers)
  • Have a “no electronics policy” one hour before your bedtime – yes, this includes your phone!
You might be wondering how much sleep you should get. As we discussed in this post, research suggests 7-9 hours for the average adult. You may have to adjust your bedtime for a few weeks just to see what your “magic number” is. If you are getting the recommended amount of sleep but still feel tired, it could be time for a new mattress (we didn’t even know Kohl’s sold mattresses online!) or a new mattress topper on your exiting mattress.

If you are still struggling to get quality sleep try these extra tips below:
  • Keep a journal by your bed so if you think of anything during the night you can write it down and go back to sleep
  • Perform a short yoga/stretching session (try our Yoga Challenge!) before bed (and even again when you wake up)
  • Try Sleepytime Herbal Tea
Also remember to take at least 1-2 complete rest days from your exercise routine!

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Kohl's.