He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Tips to Save Money while Eating Healthy + Healthy AND Frugal Meal Ideas

ShoppingWhitney Carlson2 Comments
Healthy & Frugal Meal Ideas

We're all looking for healthy recipes but a lot of times those healthy recipes call for ingredients that you might not have all the time in your pantry. We're all about healthy meals that don't break the bank here and wanted to share some of our favorites with you and also some tips!

>>>> Ever feel like you need to detox your money? Join our detox your money challenge here!

Simple Tips on Saving Money While Eating Healthy

  • Start using that dusty old spice rack to give your recipes a little more flavor. You will use this often when preparing your own healthy meals at home.
  • Buy extra when an item goes on sale, especially if it is shelf stable (chicken broth, beans, etc) or can be frozen and used later (meats). We've even dedicated one of our hall closets as our "bulk" closet.
  • We've had pretty good success scoring coupons by emailing the vendors that market the products that we frequently purchase. Most of the time you can reach them by going to the "Contact Us" section of their website; however, it's often as simple as signing up for their email newsletter!
  • Check the front of the store where you shop for coupons. Some stores have booklets right when you walk in that are full of recipes and coupons. Browse through these before you start shopping to see if there is a coupon for something on your list.

    See more money saving ideas here.

Our Favorite Healthy AND Frugal Meal Ideas

Don't be fooled...eating out is very expensive. It adds up quickly although most people just pay attention to their grocery store total vs their restaurant bill. We love to buy ingredients that we can use in many different recipes and make the most cost-effective meals we can. Below we share with you some of our favorites and an approximate total for each. We think it's a small price to pay when you can control exactly what is going in your food and how it is prepared.

How do you save money at the grocery store? Any tips we forgot to include?

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