He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Food Prep February - Clean Out Your Kitchen!

Whitney Carlson2 Comments

This week we want you to focus on cleaning out your kitchen.  This means going through your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer.  What tempts you?  What keeps you from meeting your goals? We don't want you to throw away everything that you enjoy but it's less likely to tempt you if it isn't there!  Part of the whole process is learning to enjoy the foods you love, but that aren't necessarily good for you, in moderation.  If that means you getting rid of them for now then we suggest doing so.  When I first started I (Whitney) went through and cleaned out EVERYTHING!  I'm the type of person that as long as it isn't in the house I won't eat it.  It makes it much easier to stay on track that way.  Plus, when you only have things as treats instead of daily it makes them more special.  We usually save our treats for special occasions, events, and vacations.  You know your personality and your body so clean out as much as you can without feeling like you will be deprived of the things you love.  Keep in mind that you will be learning to make most of your old favorites in a healthier way!

After you have cleaned out your kitchen it's time to go grocery shopping to re-stock!  You will notice that most of our recipes basically use the same ingredients but in a different way.  It actually makes eating healthy pretty affordable!  You can view our shopping lists to see what you may need to purchase at the grocery store or take advantage of Amazon's fast shipping!

Remember, we want YOU want to participate in our Food Prep February - whether you are just starting or a clean eating pro...we can all learn from each other!  At the end of the month we will choose a winner that participated.  That lucky winner will receive a gift package from us containing some of our favorite things!

Here's how you can win:

- Take a picture of your messy kitchen during/after food prep (because we know they get so messy!) or your completed food prep and post it to our Facebook wall.

- Do the same as above but post it on Instagram and tag us (@heandsheeatclean).  You MUST also use the hashtag #foodprepfebruary and #heandsheeatclean.  Things move through our feed very quickly so the only way we know you are participating is by using those hashtags.

- Pin this post on Pinterest to let your friends know you will be prepping your food in advance during the month of February (be sure to follow us on Pinterest too @hesheeatclean).  You never know who you are inspiring!

Check out our past Food Prep posts and recipes for more inspiration for this week. Don't forget to join us back here next Sunday!

Happy Prepping!

* Be sure to check out our Getting Started and Food Prep eBooks here

- The Gang