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Clean Eat Education: Tips for Getting Back on Track

MotivationWhitney Carlson3 Comments

So you've been eating clean and working out consistently and then for whatever reason you "fall off the wagon".  What do you do now?  Give up?  No!  Think about what you would be giving up on...yourself, your health, your family, your goals, your dreams, your happiness. "Falling off the wagon" is going to happen and it will probably happen more than once!  Pick yourself up and move on by following our tips!

- First, you must stay positive.  This is a very mental journey.  If you don't think you can...you won't.  Talk positively to yourself.  Talk to yourself in the mirror each morning.  Instead of focusing on what you don't like about yourself, focus on what you do like.  It sounds silly but it really makes a difference.  Wake up 2 minutes earlier each morning to do this.

Drink water. Drink ONLY water.  Drink it like it's your job.

- Just because you slipped up and had a cheeseburger and fries does not mean that you should "punish" yourself with a 2 hour cardio session.  Take the kids or your dog for a walk or maybe try out a new class at your gym.  Clear your mind.  Get in a positive state.  Don't punish yourself.

- Go to the grocery store, prepare your food and eat clean!  Get back on track at your next meal...don't wait until the next day.  Start now!  Also, don't starve yourself just because ate something you shouldn't have.

- You are NOT going to mess up with one slip up.  Think about how far you've come.  Think about how much hard work you have put into yourself.  Think about how much better you feel.  Have people noticed that you are a happier person?  This one (or tenth) slip up is just life - it happens.  You are doing this for your health and there is no turning back. What are you going to go back to?  Being unhealthy and unhappy just because you ate something you shouldn't have?  Say that out loud to yourself...sounds silly doesn't it?

Don't weigh yourself.  Talk about sabotage.  If you do gain weight you are going to feel even worse and probably make it worse from emotional eating.  Give yourself at least a week after you start eating clean and exercising again before you weigh-in or take measurements.  Like we always say, the scale doesn't mean anything anyway.  What does matter is how you feel and how your clothes fit.  Those are much better ways to measure your success.

Remember this is NOT a diet - this is YOUR LIFE.  Eat Clean & Be Happy!

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