He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Clean Halloween Meal Plan!

SeasonalWhitney Carlson4 Comments
We know that everyone is going to be busy, busy, busy tomorrow whether you are treat-or-treating with your kids or giving out treats at your home.  We have put together a meal plan for you to prepare in advance.

These pumpkin protein bars are prefect for a snack at work (don't reach into the candy bowl)!  You could even eat them for breakfast if you are too busy to make anything else (beats the greasy food from the drive-thru)!

Choose between one of these two chili recipes for a perfect fall dinner!  Put it in the crock pot before you leave for work or when you get home!


Distract yourself from the candy! Make these Pumpkin Protein Cookies - ready in only 6 minutes!

A mini size candy bar can quickly turn into a king size!  Moderation is key!

Happy Halloween!  Stay Safe!

- Whitney & The Gang