He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Motivational Monday :: A Lesson Learned from our Veterans

Whitney Carlson1 Comment

On this Memorial Day, the Hes and the Shes would like to say a HUGE


to our US Veterans who have fought tirelessly for our freedom and ability to live in this country with the freedoms and safety that we often take for granted.

Let's think about what makes a US Soldier successful... these translate in our lives. Whether at the gym, at work or hanging out with friends, we should strive to live up to these characteristics. Train like you mean it - don't waver, don't give up and don't doubt yourself. You are stronger than you think and if someone is willing to fight for your freedom, fight for them - make yourself the best possible so you can go out and help others. You may even touch the life of a military family without ever knowing it!

Do not accept an excuse for not working out this week - if our Military Men and Women can do it strapped to a tank or in the extreme heat out in the middle of the desert, so can you!

Thank you to our military men and women! Without you, the US would be a much different place. Use these men and women as your example for your training today. Go out there and make them proud!
