He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans


6 Tips to Stay "On Track" Over the Weekend

LifestyleWhitney Carlson2 Comments
6 Tips to Stay on Track Over the Weekend

You probably already know by know that we aren't super strict, we strongly believe that you should enjoy life and let loose sometimes. However, this is a LIFESTYLE for us though so we don't let weekends or holidays get completely out of control either. We try to treat weekends just like a normal day. Use these tips to stay "on track" over the weekend.

RELATED: 5 Things We Have Done to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle for 5+ Years

6 Tips to Stay "On Track" Over the Weekend

  1. Don't Skip Meals

    A BIG mistake people make is skipping meals. It seems to be an even bigger issue over the holidays and weekends. Whether it's intentional (thinking that you will "save" calories) or if you just get busy and forget to eat, skipping meals will lead you to over-indulging in the long run. Stick to your normal eating schedule and don't let yourself get too hungry. Pack your food or at least take protein bars or protein powder packets with you while you are out. Going to a party? Take something with you to share!
  2. Make Time for Food Prep

    Take a little time to prep food or buy foods that don't take much prep time. We usually do a smaller food prep on Thursday or Friday that lasts us over the weekend. It's very easy to just brown meat to have on hand with some vegetables or rice. Things like canned tuna and eggs are very easy for quick weekend meals as well.
    RELATED: Weekend Food Prep
  3. Sleep

    Sounds easy and amazing, right?! Well, why do most of us overlook this very important aspect of living a healthy lifestyle then? Just like with not skipping meals, don't let your sleep suffer over the weekend. Try to get 7.5-9 hours of quality sleep. Your body will thank you!
  4. Schedule "Me" Time

    It's important to rest and relax on the weekend so that you feel refreshed. You don't need an entire day to yourself, although that would be nice, even just 10 minutes will work wonders for you mentally and physically. Activities to consider include walking, reading, taking a bath, getting a message, or just enjoying your coffee or tea in silence.
  5. Stay Active

    Include at least one active activity each weekend. If you don't want to go to the gym on the weekend that's fine! Take the weekend as your rest day(s) but still try to stay active while having fun. Things like hiking, biking, playing in sports leagues, etc. are ways to have fun and also get a workout in. Again, even just 15 minutes of activity is better than nothing.
    RELATED: 5 Reasons Why You Need a Fitness Plan
  6. Don't have an "all or nothing" attitude.

    You aren't perfect. We aren't perfect. No one is perfect. If you want to eat a hamburger, fries, and a milkshake and you do it - move on at your next meal. One "bad" meal isn't going to hurt you. You must start having a better relationship with food or you are going to always be stuck in the cycle where you start your new diet each Monday.

Continuing to eat junk food all weekend because of one choice is like slashing all of your tires because you had one flat tire. Keep it simple! All you have to do is make healthy choices the majority of the time and splurge on things that are worth it, not just because they are placed in front of you. Easy swaps like grilled chicken instead of fried chicken, vegetables instead of fries, water instead of soft drinks really add up!

5 Tips to Get Back on Track After Vacation

Lifestyle, TravelWhitney CarlsonComment
5 Tips to Get Back On Track After Vacation | He and She Eat Clean


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If you follow us on Snapchat (hesheeatclean) or our other social media accounts InstagramFacebook, or Pinterest, you probably know already that we just got back from a vacation in San Diego. Scott had to go to LA for work for a few days so I tagged along and met up with some of my friends and business partners in San Diego.

Related: Read about our travels here.

Workout wise we didn't lift weights (we usually take our vacations as lifting breaks) but we did a lot of hiking while we were there, although we couldn't do everything we wanted because of the weather.

Nutrition wise we try to keep our meals healthy while on vacation. In order to save money we rent an Airbnb property (email us at thegang@heandsheeatclean.com for more information on Airbnb) or a hotel room with a kitchenette. While it may seem more expensive each night, it definitely pays off being able to eat a few meals in the room. We enjoyed the food in San Diego eating tacos multiple times, donuts from the Donut Bar, and cookie ice cream sandwiches from the Baked Bear (yes, it was all just as good as it sounds). On the other hand, many of our meals consisted of the Whole Foods salad bar and eggs and toast or oats for breakfast and turkey sandwiches for lunch (made in our condo). Even though we only ate out once a day at the most, my body was definitely feeling the oils and sodium that it isn't used to.

Related: Tips to Eat Healthy and Save Money While Traveling

This is what we call vacation balance:

5 Tips to Get Back on Track After Vacation | He and She Eat Clean

As I "reset" my body this past week I decided that I would share this information since many of you will probably be taking vacations soon too. These tips don't apply to just vacations though, these are tips to get back on track at anytime!

5 Tips to Get Back on Track After Vacation

  1. Don't Beat Yourself Up - You don't need to get back from vacation and "work off" what you ate. You don't need to do two hour cardio sessions. You don't need to mentally abuse yourself with negative thoughts about how you should have done things differently. There is absolutely nothing positive that will come of this behavior. 
  2. Don't Weigh Yourself - If you feel sluggish and/or bloated, you know it. The scale is only going to tell you the same thing but will more than likely put you in a bad mood and maybe even make your behavior spiral out of control and send you into a binge. You know how you feel and how your pants fit, weighing yourself only to find out you've "gained" five pounds on vacation will do no good. Speaking of, most of the "weight" you gain will be in the form of water weight. Related: Stories from my scale and why you need to ditch yours for good.
  3. Increase Water Consumption and Avoid Alcohol - Increase your water consumption when you return from your trip. Try making the Jillian Michaels' Detox WaterRefreshing Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drink, or one of our many other flavored waters for a little different twist on just plain water. Try to only drink water or unsweetened tea - no juice or soda. Also, try to avoid alcohol.
  4. Start/Continue Your Workout Plan - Now is a great time to start a new workout plan or pick up where you left off on your previous plan. Going into the gym (or your home workout space) with a clear direction will help you get back into the habit and reach your goals much faster. We have 4, 6, and 12 week workout plans to choose from! Related: 5 Reasons why you need a fitness plan.
  5. Do A Short Detox/Eat Real, Whole Unprocessed Foods - You might be thinking, why are they talking about a detox. Well, we don't believe in juice cleanses or crazy restrictive detoxes. But we do like to do a detox once a quarter or every 6 months. This is basically just a push for us to jump back into eating real, whole foods as quickly as possible. Although prepping food might be the last thing you want to do, your body will thank you! You can learn about our preferred detox here and also request more information on our 21-Day Challenge here.

4 Reasons Why You Might Be Binge Eating or Overeating at Night

EducationWhitney CarlsonComment
4 Reasons Why You Might Be Binge Eating

Many people struggle with binge eating or overeating at night. I'm obviously not a doctor or an expert but from the people I've coached and talked with, there are usually four main reasons why this happens.

Although I've never been anorexic or a binge eater, I have struggled with body image issues a few years after I started my "fitness journey". It is one of the most difficult things I have experienced and I have really learned how much control the mind has over everything we do, feel, and think.

The reasons I have listed below are just from personal observation and I suggest that if you struggling with binge eating that you seek professional help.

4 Reasons Why You Might Be Binge Eating or Overeating at Night {or really anytime}

  1. You didn't eat enough throughout the day.
    • If you are not eating enough throughout the day you will be starving at night! Skipping meals and cutting calories during the day will only make you more hungry at night. Try to evenly space your meals throughout the day, considering what works best for your schedule. Eating one egg for breakfast and a salad with nothing on it for a lunch isn't going to cut it. Also, only eating 1,200 calories a day is NOT enough (except for a very small portion of the population). It doesn't make sense to restrict your calories all day just to binge at night, that defeats the whole purpose. Do not be afraid to eat!
    • Not sure where to start? Join our FREE 13 to Clean Challenge!
  2. You restrict yourself.
    • This is different from above. There are some people that can have one square of dark chocolate every night and be perfectly fine - others who do best to just abstain altogether. There is no right or wrong way, you just have to figure out which works for you and learn how to work with yourself. If you restrict yourself and impose rules on yourself that you can't eat {insert food here}, that's probably going to be the first thing you grab at night. What good is it do tell yourself not to eat one small portion only to binge and eat four times that amount later? Listen to your body and find out what is right for you.
  3. You are bored and/or emotionally eating.
    • You've probably read this one a million times but it's true. If you normally sit down to watch TV at night and mindlessly snack - you will eventually associate the two. Try reaching for healthier options like kale chips, four ingredient protein pudding, etc or find a different activity. Some of my favorite things include taking a walk, taking a bath, painting my nails, organizing a closet, etc. Find something that distracts you from your boredom.
  4. You are thirsty.
    • Sounds simple and it is - you may be thirsty. Take a mental note of how much water you are drinking throughout the day and if you aren't drinking enough you could be mistaking thirst for hunger at night. Try to drink water on a consistent basis throughout the day, and maybe even try a nighttime tea (make sure it contains no caffeine) to help satisfy you.

I hope this short list helps you figure out why you may be binge eating or overeating at night. As always, it's so important to focus on being healthy above all else. This includes having a healthy relationship with food and exercise.

Try implementing some of the tips listed above including making a healthier version of what you crave, distracting yourself, and not restricting your calories early in the day.

4 Reasons Why You Might Be Overeating