He & She Eat Clean | Healthy Recipes & Workout Plans

Challenges,Recipe Roundup

Super Bowl Meal Plan

Recipe RoundupWhitney CarlsonComment
It's hard to believe it's Super Bowl time!  We want you to enjoy the big game but also have something healthy to eat!  We have complied our favorite Super Bowl foods into a meal plan for you to choose from!

Start off your meal or party with some clean and fun appetizers!

Want to just throw something in the crock pot?  Try one of these three crock pot recipes - perfect for the big game!

How about a chili that you can make last minute but tastes amazing?

Craving burgers and fries type food?  Try our Arugula Chicken Burgers or the Lean Mean Cheeseburger with a side of Sweet Potato Fries!

Ready for dessert?

- The Gang

Santa's Step-Up Monthly Challenge

Challenges, SeasonalWhitney Carlson2 Comments

Here's a little fun for you this December... Why not a step-up challenge? This will not only get you burning calories and your blood pumping, but it will get your backside tight for those New Years Eve parties! Here's to a VERY Merry Holiday season!  Don't forget about our She Sweats 12-Week Transformation that will give you the motivation you need to stick to your workout routine over the holidays {gym and at-home versions available here}!

Santa's Step-Up Monthly Challenge

Just in case you are wondering on a few of the exercises, here are some ground rules:

1. Find a challenging, but safe height for your step-ups with a flat, non-skid surface.

2. The leg listed first, right or left, is your lead leg. This is the leg that you will step up on to your platform with.

3. The knee step-ups are intended so that you step up with the lead leg and bring the other knee up to a 90 degree angle in front of you.

4. The extension step-ups are intended so that you step up with the lead leg and bring the opposite leg out behind you, fully extended so that you are utilizing your glutes muscles to raise it. 

BONUS: We will be releasing another December Challenge on Instagram so be sure to follow us there too! @heandsheeatclean

Monthly Challenge: Curvaceous Calves 1-Month Challenge

ChallengesWhitney Carlson1 Comment

Calves are kind of like a fine wine - they take time to age and mature. You don't grow your calves overnight - it takes constant attention to the often neglected muscles to get that toned, beautiful look you dream of. Think high heels (or high tops for men)!

This month's challenge is simple - here it is!

The Curvaceous Calves 1-Month Challenge

Don't stop there!  Are you on Instagram?  If so, we are having a monthly challenge there too! Head on over to follow us @heandsheeatclean & join the challenge - it's all about creating new healthy habits!

Happy Pumping & Creating New Habits!